Sunday, January 6, 2013

Guns, Mass Killings and Suicide

This has been an exploration in some of the worst humanity has to offer.  It has not been fun. It has been exhausting and I have had to walk away from it more than once.  It however, is important. I have explored mass killings across the last century all over the world.  I have tried to understand the differences between events, nations and motivations. The aftermath of the collection of killings in 2012 from Aurora to Idaho to Newtown has spurred massive reaction.  Some now embrace guns even more to protect themselves from these men and others think disarming everyone would solve the problem.  Notice I said, "men".  It is indeed a uniquely male behavior.   Others believe that we have a mental health awareness issue in the United States coupled with lack of good treatment -- It is true that nearly all killers of this kind are mentally unstable. Others claim that if we had God in our society we would be better off.  In part this is correct -- but it will surprise as to why.

I also took time to reach beyond the United States and see what the world is doing.  I wanted to see if what is happening here is unique to our society -- I wanted to know if something was really "wrong" with Americans.  I found that we are fairly normal as a nation.  In sorting and sifting through data I found an alarming trend -- nearly all of the killings that fit the profile of Newtown, Aurora and Columbine end in either suicide or suicide by cop.  Given a little more time before apprehension, probably all of them would end that way.  No one has talked about this as a suicide mission. 

In my very first written response to this last event in Newtown I pointed the finger at mental illness rather than guns. It is accurate to do so. I was tempted to say that if we had better skills and willingness to identify and profile mentally ill young men we might be better off.  That might be true to an limited extent -- in a nation that celebrates "being different" I asked how different is too different.  I also pointed out that living in a free society we embrace risk.  We are not going to stop these events with better mental illness treatment or taking guns away from law abiding Americans.  What we can do is explore them and realize that while they are horrific, awful and heartbreaking they are not new and they are not "American".

To profile this person one must approach it as an individual who is suicidal and thus include in research global suicide trends.  This was also grueling and not particularly enjoyable. These types of killings are what could be classified as "revenge killings". They are mostly carried out by young adult males who feel they have been marginalized by society and are mentally challenged in some capacity.  Their targets are either people they are acquainted with or know and who have "hurt them" as in Columbine or they are people who represent (to them) people who have or might hurt them. These killings also have another characteristic.  They can be carried out in part for attention.  Because these men feel invisible they carry out an act so grand and so awful, even when they die, they will never be forgotten.  There is a sick glory in that for them.  We are a nation craving fame and we see horrible people becoming famous for no reason.  Were that not so none of us would have ever heard of a Kardashian or someone named "Honey-Boo-Boo".  When people like that get famous for essentially being idiots a socially outcast young man might look for his own way to be famous. How an event like this could not make national headlines is unimaginable.  Right now there is a mentally unstable young man who is seeing all the coverage of a formerly invisible young man he identifies with.  He too can be remembered for eternity.

I have heard people too say "we have taken God out of our society" -- in a way they are correct.  The United States is not a deeply religious nation any more. They are saying we have taken morals out, we have taken the best good vs. evil example we have out when we no longer yearn for heaven and no longer fear hell; we have taken "rules to live by out".  Laws are not the first line of defense of moderating behavior. Illegal or legal isn't what controls human behavior -- it is a deeper, inner set of values that make people behave.  There are a million times we could all break the law (there is no way to watch us all, all the time) and NOT be caught -- but most of us don't.  Not because it is an illegal act -- but because it goes against our moral fabric. 

What is missing in all of the outcry I have heard to date is a hard analysis of these events.  Who commits them? Why do they commit them?  It is also very important to note that not all mass killings are the same.  School-place and workplace killings have the most in common. Then there are politically, religious and racially motivated killings.  Each type of killing, including the weapon used in the killings matters.  They are different.  So now we dive into the data and attempt to analyze it.  Hold on to your hats this is fascinating but difficult.

First let us take a look at gun deaths by nations.  This is where the anti-gun folks think that the United States has an epidemic of gun-deaths.  We do rank number ten on the list but you will notice that the vast majority of our nation's gun deaths are not homicides.  Note the nations that rank ahead of us and their relationship between guns and homicide.

Table 1.1


Nation                  Deaths/100K    # HOMICIDES     % HOMICIDES

El Salvador          50.36                     50.36                    100%

Jamaica               47.44                     47.44                    100%

Honduras            46.70                     46.70                    100%

Guatemala          38.52                     38.52                    100%

Swaziland            37.16                     37.16                    100%

Colombia             28.11                      27.10                    96.5%

Brazil                   19.01                     18.10                    95%

Panama               12.92                      12.92                   100%

Mexico                11.14                      10.00                    90%

United States     10.2                        3.7                        36%

Fifty-six percent (56%) of ALL gun deaths in the United States are SUICIDE.  Look at the list in the picture -- sit and think a while.  The nine nations that lead the US in gun-related death are not nations most of us would trade places with.  They are tough places to live. They are clearly dangerous.  Your quality of life would most certainly be far inferior to your quality of life now -- even if you are on welfare and food stamps in the United States.  Notice -- they have virtually NO suicide death by firearm because nearly 100% are homicides -- they have plenty of firearm related death.  In the beautiful, tolerant and glorious United States of America over 60% of all gun deaths are suicide -- so the vast majority of the gun-related deaths in the U.S. are not crimes.  This only amplifies the reality -- It is not a "gun control issue" in the United States - maybe it is a MENTAL HEALTH issue in the United States.  Stick with me -- the exploration into suicide rates will make sense.

Now let's examine whether or not the U.S. does have a suicide epidemic; let's dig deeper and look at worldwide suicide rates -- regardless of method.  The US ranks number 38th out of the 107 ranked countries in the world for suicide.  So this is where the mental health lobby jumps in.  To see that in the United States that 60% of all gun deaths are suicide seems alarming -- it would seem that maybe the suicide rate would go down if we had fewer guns. Read on.  Note below that not a single one of the nations listed with higher gun-related deaths (and remember that with most of these countries nearly all of their gun-deaths were homicides) has more suicides than the United States.  Not a single one of them.   Following are the most recent suicide numbers of various nations up to the United States at 38th:

SUICIDE DEATHS BY COUNTRY (per 100,000 people)

RANK     COUNTRY        MALE     FEM.       AVERAGE           YEAR

1             Lithuania         54.6       11.6         31.6                     2011

2             South Korea     41.4       21.0         31.2                    2010

3             Guyana            39.0       13.4          26.4                    2006

4             Kazakhstan      43.0       9.4            25.6                    2008

5             Belarus            No Gender Data     25.3                     2010

6             Hungary           37.4       8.5            21.7                    2009

7             Japan               33.5       14.6          23.8                    2011

8             Latvia               33.8       4.0            17.5                    2009

9             China              *No Gender Data     22.23                  2011

10           Slovenia          29.3       3.0             17.2                    2010

11           Sri Lanka         No Gender Data     21.6                   1996

12           Russia              No Gender Data     21.4                   2011

13           Ukraine            37.8       7.0            21.2                   2009

14           Serbia/Mont.   28.4      11.1           19.5                    2006

15           Estonia              20.6       7.3          18.1                    2008

16           Switzerland       15.7       6.5         11.1                     2007

17           Croatia              30.2       10.0        19.7                    2002

18           Belgium             26.5       9.3         17.6                    2009

19           Finland              25.7       8.1         16.8                    2010

20           Moldova             30.1       5.6         17.4                    2008

21           France               23.5       7.5         15.0                    2009

22           Uruguay             26.0       6.3        15.8                    2004

23           South Africa       25.3       5.6        15.4                    2005

24           Austria                20.9       5.7       12.8                     2009

25           Poland                 28.0       3.8       15.4                     2010

26           H.Kong(China)   19.0       10.7       14.6                    2009

27           Suriname            23.9       4.8       14.4                     2005

28           Czech Republic   22.1       4.1       12.8                    2010

29           New Zealand      20.3       6.5        13.2                    2008

30           Sweden               21.4       9.2        15.3                   2011

31           Cuba                    19.0       5.5       12.3                   2008

32           Bulgaria              18.8       6.2        12.3                   2008

33           Romania             21.0       3.5         12.0                  2009

34           Norway               17.3       6.5         11.9                  2009

35           Denmark             17.5       6.4         11.9                  2006

36           Ireland                19.0       4.7         11.8                  2009

37           Bosnia/Herz.      20.3       6.3         13.3                  2011

38           United States     19.2       5.0          12.0                 2009

* I found no specific gender data on China relating to how many per 100K people.  I did find percentages of male vs. female suicide. This will be discussed later.

Japan, China, Norway, Belgium, Sweden, New Zealand, Norway, Denmark, Cuba, Austria, Finland, France all have higher suicide rates than the United States.  Switzerland practices universal conscription, which requires that all able-bodied male citizens keep fully automatic firearms at home in case of a call-up.  Switzerland also does hold the European record of gun-related suicide.  But Japan has a higher suicide rate than Switzerland and it is an increasingly alarming social issue for that nation. Japan has severe gun control laws. Common methods of suicide in Japan are jumping in front of trains, leaping off high places, hanging, or overdosing on medication.  Rail companies will actually charge the families of those who commit suicide a fee depending on the severity of disrupted traffic. It is estimated that approximately one person every 15 minutes commits suicide in Japan. Recently, a number of suicide websites began to present information on how to make a home-made hydrogen sulfide gas from a deadly concoction of normal household chemical detergent with a liquid cleanser. A single breath of this high-density, colorless gas, which smells like rotten eggs, can apparently cause dizziness, headaches, and in the worst cases, brain damage and suffocation.

Authorities had expressed particular concern because of the gas' danger to neighbors. Recently, at least four people who died from inhaling the gas were not actual suicide victims, and dozens of others have been treated for nausea and headaches.  These suicides affect a large number of people other than the person hell-bent on dying.  Both Japan and Switzerland have higher suicide rates than the United States.  On average seventy-eight percent (78%) of all worldwide suicides are male -- only twenty-two percent (22%) are female. Comparatively speaking in the United States seventy-nine percent (79%) of all suicides are male as compared to twenty-one percent (21%) female -- fairly close to the worldwide average and well within any margin of error so ostensibly it could be completely average.

World suicides, regardless of nation, economy, size and culture are overwhelmingly male.  The forty nations with the highest suicide rates run 64% for males in Hong Kong and 36% females but it is impossible to clarify how to separate Hong Kong from China as China does not release specific data on the mainland.  In the non-Chinese countries the lowest for male suicide is Sweden at 70% and the highest is 91% male is Slovenia; most of them hover in the mid seventy (70) to low eighty (80) percent male.  These are vastly different cultures, with vastly different crime rates, mental healthcare systems, economies -- in fact the thing that might make them the MOST similar is their male to female suicide ratio.  So what can be done?  Can anything short of genetic and social engineering be done?  Is this simply an organic element of what it is to be male and what it is to be female?  Is there really a "solvable" problem or are we just jumping up and down, waving our arms around and pretending we have powers that we really don't? 

In China, the frequent outlier in human-related statistics, suicide is said to be the leading cause of death among women 15-34 and their suicide rate higher than males; it is the ONLY place in the world where this is true. In China a woman's suicide is usually based in economic woes and social/marital status.  So it would seem that the "natural world order" is that males are inherently wired to commit suicide more than females and only China -- with its draconian customs and utter social control-- has achieved enough social control to buck what is possibly the organic norm.  It would seem that to alter the trend or the norm worldwide or even in the U.S. would take herculean law changes and massive overhaul of a total society. 

It doesn't matter if it is the United States, Japan, France, Guyana or Lithuania. I don't want to be like China and they are the ONLY nation who has succeeded in "tipping the scales" between male and female suicide rates.  Few states, much less nations keep tabs on murder-suicides so I have no information to offer there.

On the other end of the spectrum in suicide rates are the countries with the lowest…this list includes: Haiti (THE LOWEST and virtually a zero suicide rate), Honduras, Egypt, Syria, Pakistan, Grenada, Jordan and Kuwait.  They are about as different from the United States as one can imagine.  The mental healthcare in these countries is virtually non-existent and here is the kicker -- most of these very low suicide rate nations have a very HIGH level of faith and active religion.

Table 1.3

NATION               DOMINANT RELIGION                PRACTICING %
Haiti                      Roman Catholic                               80%
Honduras             Roman Catholic/Evang.                 47%/36%            
Egypt                    Islam                                                  80-90%
Syria                     Islam                                                  87-90%
Pakistan               Islam                                                  95-98%
Grenada               Rom Cath./Prot.t/Ang.           53%/33%/13%
Jordan                  Islam                                                  90%
Kuwait                  Islam                                                  85%

According to the theology of the Roman Catholic Church, death by suicide is considered a grave or serious sin. The chief Roman Catholic Christian argument is that one's life is the property of God and a gift to the world, and to destroy that life is to wrongly assert dominion over what is God's. Your life is not yours to take from Him. Islam, like other Abrahamic religions, views suicide as one of the greatest sins and utterly detrimental to one's spiritual journey.  Killing yourself might really make your afterlife suck.

In the U.S. 73% of us identify as "Christian" and 20% say they have no affiliation, however only 9% of us say that our faith is our number one priority -- in the true sense of devotion for a Believer, one's faith must be number one because all else hinges on it and the grace received from it.  I don't believe that these statistics say that religious people are BETTER people, that is often NOT the case -- what it does say is that they think committing "grave sins" against their God will result in bad things for them.  Call it eternal self preservation -- NOT especially "good behavior".  So it would seem that laws against suicide (in many nations it is illegal), mental health support or economic stability are not the major factors in reducing suicide -- devout religion and aversion to cardinal sin is.

Now one last worldwide exploration.  We again examine the nations with the highest gun-related murder rates.  Guess what we find.  Some of the world's LOWEST suicide rates!  If you take all the countries ranked above the United States in gun-related deaths and note that nearly 100% of those deaths are homicides and THEN look at the suicide rates of those same violent nations you will find the average rate of suicide is WAY below global averages.  In Honduras and Jamaica there is virtually NO suicide. The average suicide rate over these murder riddled nations is a very low 7.8 per 100K people (80/20 - male/female) compared to 24.2 people per 100K in the US.  So it would seem that guns are not the corollary here.

Why such depth in suicide and suicide rates?  Why not talk about crime statistics and murder rates? “In a research specifically related to murder–suicide, Milton Rosenbaum (1990) discovered the murder–suicide perpetrators to be vastly different from perpetrators of homicide alone. Whereas murderer–suicides were found to be highly depressed and overwhelmingly men, other murderers were not generally depressed and more likely to include women in their ranks.”  So murder is an equal opportunity endeavor but suicide is not.

So psychologically speaking a mass-murderer (almost all end in suicide either by their own hand or "suicide by cop") like the ones too often in the news lately should be profiled more as being suicidal than as criminal murderers – this in NO WAY minimizes the heinous nature of the crimes they did commit and the lives they stole.  But the essence of the mental profile is vital if we are to attempt to understand.

So a murderer, more often than not, sees HIMSELF or HERSELF as a criminal – they are wantonly breaking the law and murder is against the law and they know it. So a state's or nation's laws do not affect their decision to murder or not murder -- even though it is against the law, they do it anyway.  Not all murderers are mentally ill - they kill for myriad reasons including power, robbery, prejudice, anger or even, it disgusts me to write this, for fun. A person whose base is that of “suicide”, even if they take others with them, does not connect it to a criminal act in their mind in the same way even though it can be a calculated "mission".  It is often from a place of that their victims somehow "deserved it". It is an act of desperation of sorts – all perpetuators of murder-suicide arguably are mentally ill even if only situational.  Again, it doesn’t at all make their crime lesser – it just helps us understand what might REALLY be going on.

Mass murderers may fall into any of a number of categories, including killers of family, of coworkers, of students, and of random strangers. Their motives for murder vary. A notable motivation for mass murder is revenge, but many other motivations are possible, including the need for attention or fame. According to the FBI, mass murder is defined as four or more murders occurring during a particular event with no cooling-off period between the murders (a cooling off period more would denote a serial killer and this typically involves a deliberate methodology). A mass murder typically occurs in a single location in which a number of victims are killed by an individual or more. Most acts of mass murder end with the death of the perpetrator(s), whether by direct suicide or being killed by law enforcement, so one could argue that most mass murderers are suicidal as well.   These acts are also referred to as "rampage killings".

Mass murders are NOT unique to the United States.  Nor are horrific attack on schools and innocent children and educators.  These incidents are challenging to break down and compare.  We can look at them multiple ways.  We can consider locale.  We can examine suspected motive or we can look at mortality rates and finally we can consider method.  All are somewhat pertinent but it is hard to decipher their level of priority to create as close to "an apples to apples" situation.

The most notable distinction between these horrible events seems to be "type" -- not place, not gender, not numbers.  So here is a snapshot breakdown organized in some semblance of order:

WORKPLACE AND SCHOOL ATTACKS: The US has the highest rate of workplace and school attacks in the world.  We put these together because they have so much in common.  They are often revenge attacks -- disgruntled workers or socially outcast young people -- the profile is quite similar. The thing that sets them apart from one another is the age of the perpetrator.  The motivations and subsequent suicide rates are nearly identical. Germany ranks #2 in school attacks.  One of the worst American school attacks happened in 1927.  This was before the stock market crash so it is safe to assume it was not caused by the Great Depression and the economic despondency that stemmed from that event. He used firearms, explosive devices and melee weapons (knives, etc). 

The largest recorded school attack happened back in 1944 by Andrew Phillip Kehoe.  He killed 44 people and injured 58 with guns, melee weapons and explosives. One of the earliest recorded workplace attacks in the United States occurred back in 1928 -- the attacker used knives and firearms to kill 12 people and injure 13.  In both workplace and school attacks the attacker nearly ALWAYS commits suicide.

-- So this sort of event is not new.

-- It is always perpetuated by males.

-- Workplace killers are generally between 30 and 50 years old regardless of country.

-- School killings in the U.S. are almost always perpetuated by males under the age of 25.

-- The vast majority, in fact almost all, of these events, regardless of country, end in suicide. 

RELIGIOUS/POLITICAL/RACIAL ATTACKS: Israel holds the top spot for Religious/Political/Racial killings; France has the second highest rate.  These events involve firearms, explosives and arson. Very few of these events end in suicide.  The last in the United States occurred in 1973 and it has never been a common occurrence in our nation.  These attacks often have both a high death rate and a higher rate of injury. The largest event in history occurred in Norway in 2011 with 242 people killed by firearms and explosive devices.

-- This sort of event is not new

-- It is rare in the US and it always has been

-- It rarely ends in suicide

-- It is nearly always perpetuated by males.

-- The ages of the attackers ranges from late teens to mid 40s with the mean being in the mid 20s to late 30s/low 40s.

DOMESTIC/HOME ATTACKS: The countries that dominate the list for domestic violence/home invasion (meaning it happened in a domestic setting) incidents that become mass killings are China being #1 and the United States at #2. These events use both guns and melee weapons -- in fact more knives, swords, etc. than in any other category.   But this category deserves further breakdown -- some are familicides and some are committed by home invaders.  This is a muddy category.

-- Neither family member killers nor non-family member rampage killers in this category almost ever committed suicide in the U.S.

-- China has the highest death rate in this category whether they are home intruders or family members.

-- These are targeted attacks with fairly consistent death rates between 10 and 15 regardless of country and very, very low injury rates. Death is almost always the outcome.

-- In the United States the attackers were all men in their 40's.

-- These are attacks with firearms or melee weapons -- no explosives whatsoever yet arson is much more common.

VEHICULAR ATTACKS: Another method used of course is cars -- vehicular manslaughter and murder.   This is also where the first American woman appears in any of these statistics with a 51 year old woman killing 7 people in Reno, Nevada back in 1980. 

-- These attacks have an average low death rate, a high injury rate and a low suicide rate by the attacker - in fact virtually NONE of them, regardless of country committed direct, self inflicted suicide. 

-- Some died in the crash (few) but NONE committed suicide as a deliberate, life-ending act.  There was no way to be certain they would die in the crash. 

-- This type of attack also appears the most varied in location from Uganda to Haiti -- Germany to the US -- Israel to Australia. 

PERSONAL EXPLOSIVE ATTACKS: Another category is personal explosive devices (this does not include bombings which become categorically different and would fall under acts of terrorism usually). These attacks utilize things like grenades, pipe bombs, etc and sometimes add arson.  Thailand is the distinct leader in this category with four of the top five deadliest attacks occurring there with the Philippines running with the second highest number of these attacks.  NONE of these attacks occur in the United States.  These have a low average death rate and a high injury rate.  It is a non-targeted attack. All attackers are male with most in their late teens to low 30s.

-- Attackers are young males.

-- None are American.

-- Very, very low suicide rate.

-- Almost none killed by their own device.

-- Surprisingly low death rate with the very high injury rate.

OTHER:  This list includes things like pilots and passengers crashing planes but acting on their own -- not as a part of a terrorist group.  It also includes setting fires.  These attacks have a very large fatality rate. The highest death number was caused by the pilot of Egypt Air flight 990 -- killing all 216 people aboard.  Then there was the subway fire set in Korea in 2003 killing 147 people.  The Hartford, CT circus fire that killed 168 people and injuring from 412 to 682 (reports vary) in 1944.  Then a plane crash caused by a Chinese man killing 111 people by setting a fire in the the cabin -- he died in the crash he caused in 2002.  These events do occur in the United States -- there have been 10 in the United States. Six of the ten in the U.S. occurred between 1944 and 1970.  If the attacker survived his crash, his fire or his explosion -- NONE committed suicide.  These events have massive casualties and often high injury rates.  And of course these attacks do not focus on the use of a firearm to inflict injury and death.

So what do we do with all this information?  From this we learn that profiling a rampage killer might be very important and that not all rampage killings should be lumped together as the media so often does.  We can conclude that in cases like Aurora, Idaho and Newtown that even if the perpetrator did not commit suicide at that time, his profile is more suicidal than it is criminal.  The motivations are vastly different.  We conclude too that one of the largest deterrents to suicide might devout religion -- it is a sin that will follow them into the afterlife.  This does NOT imply that devout religion would be better or worse for society but only that it affects this statistic.  It may create other negative issues that this paper does not explore. As we see all over the world in some cases religious wars kill many, many people -- it is just not the case in the United States. Maybe it is trade off we are willing to have.

We learn too that this sort of event is not new to any society nor it is unique to most developed nations.  It has been present for at least the last century.  We also learned that while the United States may be in the top ten for gun-related deaths that less than one third of those deaths are homicides -- unlike the nearly 100% homicide rate of the nations that lead in this statistic.  In addition mass killings happen in societies with very strict gun control with often higher casualty rates than attacks with guns.  So will taking guns away change anything?

This exploration does not solve anything.  It simply digs.  It creates profiles and shows that all mass killings are not equal.  Nor are all nations.  The reason for this research for me was to attempt to understand if we can DO anything about it in the ways the masses are talking about.  Will taking guns away from people help? I think not.  Japan and China prove that.  There is always something else out there that is equally or more deadly.  Will massive mental healthcare overhaul help?  Probably not.  In nations without much mental healthcare these events are less common.  Will turning to God help?  Well it might on the individual level but our nation can't mandate devotion -- after all freedom from that mandate is why we are here. 

I think the thing this paper does prove is that we have not dug deep enough in our visceral reactions -- there is so much more to this.  We might get better at profiling this sort of perpetrator -- but I doubt it.  The Untied States has long let go of the desire or expectation to assimilate and embrace a unified vision of right and wrong, good versus evil.  We will enjoy some freedoms because of that and we will suffer some consequences.  It is a trade off. When most of us travel the world we don't have the same expectation of personal safety as we do when we are at home.  We might consider embracing that perspective always. 

What can we do? What I can do as an individual is to be aware, take note of things around me that don't feel right.  Pay attention when my gut tells me someone might be dangerous and make sure I have the ability to either get away or defend myself and those around me.  This does not mean I will live in fear.  It does mean that I accept that the world filled with human beings is not Disneyland.  There is no "they" who can keep me and my loved ones safe at all times.  I accept responsibility in part for that all by myself.

The primary conclusion though is this. It is not that simple.  Taking guns out of the hands of Americans is not THE answer nor is massive mental healthcare overhaul. For the government to think that scrambling together a task force lead by the Vice President to make recommendations on gun control in a matter of weeks with the hope they are going to change what is clearly a human condition and not a uniquely American condition is silly. This behavior and type of event is one that has been with society a very long time; their show of force is more about posturing and looking like they are "doing something about it".  As we have seen the only nation who has effectively altered suicide numbers is China and they have not likely reduced their numbers, just changed their composition.  I for one do not want to emulate China in any way.  Short of social engineering can we change society?


Suicide rates by country, 1950-2011 published by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Top Ten Most Suicidal Countries published by International Business Times HK

Unless otherwise stated all statistics are from WHO: "Suicide rates per 100,000 by country, year and sex (Table)". World Health 
Organization. 2011. 

"Using Psychology on Suicide Bridge". Korea Joongang Daily. 


"China's suicide rate 'among highest in world". 2011-09-08. 

"Death Due To Suicide". Eurostat. European Commission. 2009. 

"Suicide trends in rich and poor countries". Daily Times. 2010-09-28. 

A Girl and Her Dog

A Girl and Her Dog