Thursday, May 31, 2012

Eternal Victims

Louis Farrakahn spoke yesterday to Hispanics in San Diego and did nothing sort of incite them.  He celebrates that "non white" birth rates are higher than whites and that whites will be a "minority" soon.  He laments that Mexico "lost" Colorado, New Mexico, California, Arizona and Texas to those lousy whites.  He denigrates America repeatedly for taking the land in "trickery" and warfare.

Okay, let's examine this.  What IS a Mexican?  I mean originally speaking?  In general they are a mix of "indigenous" peoples -- Aztec primarily and SPANIARD.  How many of you recall, from 7th grade socials studies, learning about the INVASION of the land that is now Mexico by the evil Spaniards who were from that diabolical place called Europe? The Spanish conquest of the Aztecs in 1521, led by Hernando Cortes, was a pivotal victory for the European settlers. Following the Spanish arrival in what was to become Mexico, a huge battle erupted between the army of Cortes and the Aztec people under the rule of Montezuma.

The Spaniards were aided by the deadly advantage of disease; the Europeans brought ailments that the Aztecs had no immunity to. It is estimated that seventy-five percent of the native population died of violence or diseases like small pox and measles in just the first century of the conquest. Finally, the Aztec capital, Tenochititlan, fell on August 13, 1521. After capturing the city, the Spaniards destroyed the city, and built Mexico City on top of it. Just as Tenochititlan was destroyed, most of the Aztec civilization was destroyed with the European Conquest. 

So Mexico's capital city is built on the ruins of a City that was demolished by conquest…  Mr. Farrakahn, a Mexican is "half invader, half invaded" in a rudimentary sense…  We all are to some degree.  Everyone and I mean EVERYONE who came to this continent came from somewhere else…the human being is not indigenous to this continent as human life did not begin here.  Even the ancestors to the Maya, the Inca, the Aztec and the Anasazi came across a land bridge at the Aleutian Islands.  As people came they claimed land, they fought one another for that land and they took land.  Even the "Native Americans" have decadents who are not "native" technically speaking.

Every land mass on the planet has been occupied and reoccupied.  To judge the actions of man in the past on the values and laws of today is ridiculous and serves no purpose but to incite, to open wounds and to live in the past. But for folks who want to divide, who want to incite and want civil unrest, like Farrakahn, it is a tool.  An evil tool.

The same day I saw this article I heard another report.  Mit Romney was working his campaign and attempted to reach out to a community in West Philly -- an inner City black community.  They nearly drove him out with torches and clubs and demanded to know why he was in THEIR neighborhood? They were "offended" that he was on "their turf".  So he is damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t.  If he did not TRY to reach out - he would have been blasted for not caring.  When he does try to reach out he is blasted for being an invader.

So why is it that the the groups that demand to be treated equally have the desire to remain separate?  It seems to be that equal treatment is not what they really want -- they desire superiority.  The quickest way to get there and to be treated "special" is to cry victim.  That way you don't have to DO anything.  You don't have to BECOME anything.  You can rest on the laurels of those who achieved before you and denounce the crimes committed against your ancestors. And you can tell "half stories" omitting the crimes your ancestors took part in.  We, meaning ALL peoples of the planet, have ancestors who have been invaded, pillaged, and displaced.  I don't care who you are.  So it is time to stop looking toward the past and accept what IS.  Until you accept what IS you can't affect it in any meaningful way.  Should some things change?  Sure.  But to demand change based on things that happened hundreds of years ago is ineffective and unrealistic and lazy.

A Girl and Her Dog

A Girl and Her Dog