I have heard so much about Tim Tebow, the Broncos miracles and the thoughts and questions about this being "Divine intervention". USA Today reported that in a telephone survey, the Poll Position website found that 43.3% of people who are aware of Tebow's success believe Divine Intervention has been a factor. The crux of this is the pollsters did not ask how the respondents defined Divine Intervention. They also probably did not ask what the beliefs of those being polled were. Let me tell you what, as a Believer, we mean by Divine Intervention and why it is real and it happens every single day.
An atheist might look at this poll and dismiss it, guffaw or even have distain, "How can people be so stupid?" But that reaction simply shows their ignorance and inexperience with Divine Intervention and the recognition of it. It is a fairly simple and not uncommon occurrence.
Do I think that God's hand is directly involved in a Broncos win? Of course not. Does God play a role in the outcome of the game? You bet. What non believers don't get is what awesome power lies in belief, faith, willingness and acceptance. God is always there -- you invite him in or you don't. And guess what? You can call Him whatever you want my; personal term happens to be God. He does not turn his back on anyone; we turn our backs on Him.
What an atheist wants to argue is that faith IN God is not God. Ah, but it is. There is no line between the two. When I am limited by only faith in myself I am accepting the limitations of myself as a human and the universe, as I perceive it. I have already doomed myself to achievements I can imagine. Tim Tebow does not accept the premise of self limitation and that my friends, IS Divine Intervention. Only until you believe you CAN…can you. What about all those things I never dreamed of? What about the impossible? I chuckle at the arrogance of the atheist who thinks that "this is all there is". In 1492 the earth was flat and Columbus was surely going to fall off the edge of the world. How great is this world? Back then it was the Church (a creation of man) who limited the Universe -- now it is the non-believer who is limited. We have come a long way!
The world of hard core science is more likely to have an open mind to the unknown, to the unimagined. Atheism is stuck in the middle. They often think of themselves as the most open-minded folks on the planet (making us Believers closed-minded) -- when they are often choosing so much less for themselves than there actually is… I think of the lyrics from a song by Mercy Me…
If I hear just one more time
That I should try and be more open-minded
I think I just might scream
The world says this is all there is
Yet I believe the One who says there's life after this
Now tell me how much more open can my mind be?
Ever heard of String Theory? From an article by PhD Physicist Frank Lee, "String theory, also dubbed as "the theory of everything" has been able to unify all four fundamental forces. The most revolutionary finding of the string theory is that our 3D world is not the entire universe. It is actually embedded in a ten dimensional space, analogous to a TV screen (2D) embedded in a house (3D). Theologians have long suspected that God could live in a higher dimensional space. Now that the string theory has provided evidence for the existence of a higher dimensional space, the theory could also unify religion with science."
Science is closer to believing in God than we ever dreamed. God created man to be curious, to want to KNOW. But we as humans are limited; we either can choose to Believe or to not Believe. We were created with free will and the power of choice. I choose to not limit my life and my world to the known, the understood and the tangible. Why would anyone choose such a small world?
In the end there really is no debate. An atheist demands "proof" of God. An atheist by demanding proof is assuming he or she has the power to understand and be all knowing -- that is simply not possible, science will tell you that. We all admit that there are things in this existence that are unknown, not understood and undiscovered. Until someone BELIEVES in God can he understand even an inkling OF God, so by definition an atheist never will - he has already decided NOT to. If he, the non believer, tries to argue against the existence of God he is entering a debate he has no business being in…until he has BELIEVED can he have any hope understanding of that which he argues against. All of us who DO Believe have most certainly faltered in our faith -- we have both perspectives.
What is great for the atheist is that God is there whether you believe in him or not…
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