Sunday, June 24, 2012

I am tired…

I am tired of reading news stories about some group being offended by something…nobody ever said that you would like everything…

I am tired of American identifying themselves with their ethnicity first, followed by a hyphenated "American"… Are you an American or not?  If not, then go back home.  If you want to become one, you are welcome with open arms…tired, poor and huddled masses…

I am tired of groups demanding that special laws be created to protect them more than any other American…your rights should be the same as my rights and vice versa.

I am tired of law makers allowing themselves to be hijacked and I am tired of those same law makers not upholding the law equally giving the impression that these new laws are even necessary…

I am tired of groups whining that life is harder for them, therefore they need special support -- no one has any idea what battles any person faces regardless of their color, creed, sexual orientation or beliefs.

I am tired of being told that my way of life is selfish, not planet-loving and insensitive.  I am tired of hearing the slams against "big oil" while the "big green companies" go unassailed.  Time will tell which was the bigger scam…

I am tired of hearing about the atrocities of the "Church" from hundreds of years ago when the atrocities against the "Church" today, all over the world do not make headlines.

I am tired of hearing that if a person is successful and made a lot of money that he or she is somehow now a "bad guy". 

I am tired of hearing that life should be "fair".  It is not fair and if your parents or grandparents didn't teach you that -- you weren't listening…

I am tired of our soldiers being held to a higher standard than the enemy they fight…War is nasty, allow these men and women to be human…they are after all valuing your way of life more than they are their own lives…give them a break.

I am tired of being told my religion is oppressive and cannot be a part of any public program but other religions enjoy special observances and special accommodations…

I am tired of hearing any time a person of any special group feels offended or uncatered to a lawyer gets involved.  Why don't these people just sit down and talk?  Each party takes responsibility for their part and be done with it?  We are just making the lawyers rich and driving wedges deeper.

I am tired of being held responsible for other's bad decisions.  If you have a baby at 14 it is not my baby to raise or pay for.  If you weigh 400 pounds it was not my food choices that got you there.  If you stick a needle in your arm, your struggle for sobriety is your responsibility.  You try…I will be there to support you. You don’t try; you're on your own.

I am tired of the trend that the Government should be taking care of anyone….they government has no money. When they give you money they take it away from someone else…

I am tired of things the way they are going…

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