Friday, September 24, 2010

A letter to a Congressman - How do we address Islam's Sharia Law

Dear Congressman Coffman -

I do appreciate your response and in reflection look at my initial outrage to the "Ground Zero" Mosque and have to admit I was feeling overly passionate!  I suppose my frustration (bordering on anger) is this.  It seems that "we" (meaning the current administration and its followers) have become so ultra sensitive to Islam and the faith that we allow all sorts of behaviors, practices and statements to made by and for Muslims -- and hear their cry of "freedom of religion" but when a Christian thought or idea even enters the public arena it is shut down and called oppressive!  The dominant and violent oppression from Christians is in the past -- the imposing of Sharia Law is very much in the present.

In school Christmas is now "winter festival" and yet all sorts of other cultures coupled with the religion that accompanies it are acceptable -- not only are they acceptable but they are studied and explored!  God simply IS a part of this country's founding -- those that founded it believed in God.  It does not at all mean anyone now has to (although it might be a good idea).  But the history is the history. As in the Koran burning incident, why is burning a book in the US by a few radicals a call for DEATH TO AMERICANS abroad -- yet we are supposed to accept that a handful of Islamic Radicals who killed nearly 3000 people are merely a fringe of that religion and we are told not to judge Islam for the acts of a few? See the double standard here?

We look at Islam as an "equal" and "reasonable" alternative religion. However, it is not.  It is a very different "beast".  It is not the same as comparing Judaism to Christianity, Buddhism to Taoist and Hindus to Native American religions.  It has some grave and fundamental differences.  How do we "allow religious freedom" for a faith/ideology that wants to eliminate us?  

From a statement made by Nonie Darwish (An American woman born muslim in Egypt warns the West of the dangers of Radical Islam and Sharia law).

"Very few people in the West know what is going on inside the Muslim world and what it portends for them. The fact is that through the dominant media, such as CNN, Americans are subjected to much of the same misinformation with regard to Islam that I grew up with inside the Muslim world. The result is that Americans are in the dark attempting to formulate their strategy of how to defend themselves against the threat of terror, domestic jihad and Sharia. While Americans get ridiculed for being “Islamophobes,” the Muslim world itself is undergoing a huge and painful awakening.

“There are daily news reports of heart-broken Muslims who say they cannot believe what is written in Muslim scriptures and say that Muslims have been living under the greatest lie in human history."

"...the penalty for leaving Islam is death in all schools of Sharia, both Sunni and Shiite. Those who wrote Sharia centuries ago knew that keeping Muslims in total submission would be very difficult to maintain, and thus they established barbaric laws condemning Muslims to death for exercising their basic human rights to choose their own religion. Sharia never entrusted its enforcement only to the formal legal system. Islam promises heavenly rewards to individual Muslims who take the law into their own hands. Sharia also states that the killers of apostates and adulterers are not murderers and therefore are not to be punished. That is why, for Islam to achieve 100% compliance to Sharia enforcement, Muslim individuals are encouraged to take matters into their own hands."

(READ HER BOOK - .Cruel And Usual Punishment: The Terrifying Global Implications of Sharia Law). 

Congressman Coffman, we are accepting Islam as though it was something we understood.

As Americans we have got to figure out a way to address Islam/Sharia Law and to get our heads out of the sand. How does a country such as ours whose FOUNDATION is rooted in the freedom to worship in whatever way we wish deal with this?  This is a real and genuine threat and the "moderate Muslim" is not what we are having to address.  A moderate Muslim is not Muslim at all by Shariah Law. When one looks at the definition of the "Good Game" (Prince Machiavelli) it must be a game that is "good" for the players yes, but also cannot do harm to those who choose not to play...  How do we address this growing issue in America?  When is it going to once again be "politically correct" to defend our country without being called bigots and racists and oppressionists?

We have got to do something.  What honestly are your thoughts on this?
Kyle Fenner

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